Institutio Christianae Religionis: Ajaran-ajaran Agama Kristen (Institutes of the Christian Religion), Jilid 2.
Publication details: Surabaya: Momentum Christian Literature, 2023.Penjelasan: 1170-2198p. 24 cmISBN:- 978-602-393-185-9
- 230/51
- BX9420.I65 .C139 2023
Jenis barang | Current library | Nomor panggil | Copy number | Status | Tanggal jatuh tempo | Kode batang |
Buku yang bisa dipinjam | Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Satyabhakti | BX9420.I65 .C149 2023 (Telusuri rak(Opens below)) | 1 | Available | 9822 |
"Selections are reprinted from Calvin: Institutes of the Christian religion, edited by John T. MacNeill and translated by Ford Lewis Battles"--T.p. verso.
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