Education That Is Christian.
Penjelasan: 165p-265p. 21 cmSubyek: LOC classification:- BV1471 .L4 1958
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Buku yang bisa dipinjam | Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Satyabhakti | BV1471 .L4 1958 (Telusuri rak(Opens below)) | 1 | Available | 13603 |
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BV1471 .H667 1993 Pendidikan Agama Kristen. | BV1471 .H864 1982 Arah Pendidikan Kristen: | BV1471 .H864 1982 Arah Pendidikan Kristen: | BV1471 .L4 1958 Education That Is Christian. | BV1471 .S2419 2004 Iman di Tengah Masyarakat: Penuntun Kuliah Pendidikan Agama Kristen. | BV1471 .S2419 2004 Iman di Tengah Masyarakat: Penuntun Kuliah Pendidikan Agama Kristen. | BV1471 .S636 n.d. The Teaching Ministry of the Church: An Examination of the Basic Principles of Christian Education. |
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