Institutio Christianae Religionis: Ajaran-ajaran Agama Kristen (Institutes of the Christian Religion), Jilid 1.
Calvin, John.
Institutio Christianae Religionis: Ajaran-ajaran Agama Kristen (Institutes of the Christian Religion), Jilid 1. - Surabaya: Momentum Christian Literature, 2023. - 1069p. 24 cm.
"Selections are reprinted from Calvin: Institutes of the Christian religion, edited by John T. MacNeill and translated by Ford Lewis Battles"--T.p. verso.
Teologi, Doktrinal--Permulaan Pekerjaan Sampai Tahun 1800.
Gereja Reform--Doktrin--Permulaan Pekerjaan Sampai Tahun 1800.
BX9420.I65 / .C139 2023
230/.42 230/.42
Institutio Christianae Religionis: Ajaran-ajaran Agama Kristen (Institutes of the Christian Religion), Jilid 1. - Surabaya: Momentum Christian Literature, 2023. - 1069p. 24 cm.
"Selections are reprinted from Calvin: Institutes of the Christian religion, edited by John T. MacNeill and translated by Ford Lewis Battles"--T.p. verso.
Teologi, Doktrinal--Permulaan Pekerjaan Sampai Tahun 1800.
Gereja Reform--Doktrin--Permulaan Pekerjaan Sampai Tahun 1800.
BX9420.I65 / .C139 2023
230/.42 230/.42